Auctioneer Wetland


Auctioneer Forest Mitigation Bank is located in Wayne County, approximately 6.3 miles northeast of Newton Grove. The 10.85-acre Bank will include the restoration of degraded riparian wetlands in the Neuse River Basin, connecting a larger forested wetland and riparian corridor along Falling Creek. Goals specific to this Bank include promoting nutrient and sediment reduction in agricultural areas by restoring and preserving wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers. The Auctioneer Forest Mitigation Bank will result in substantial ecological improvements, including but not limited to terrestrial and aquatic habitat improvements and overall protection of a continuous forested wetland corridor within the Neuse River Basin in perpetuity.

The project is currently under development and expected to be constructed in 2022.

Project Details

Location:Wayne County, North Carolina
Type:Riparian Wetland Mitigation
Size:16 Acres
HUC:Neuse River Basin - 03020201
Credit Type:Riparian Wetland
Credit Amount:14.23 WMU

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