Acorn Nutrient Offset and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site is situated in the Lower Falling Creek watershed of the Upper Neuse River Basin. The Project will address agricultural runoff by reducing sediment and nutrient loading into unnamed tributaries of Thoroughfare Swamp. The proposed Project will improve terrestrial habitat by establishing and preserving a riparian buffer of native hardwoods along streams and ditches, allowing long-tilled fields to undergo natural succession back to a forested community. The Project will restore forested riparian buffers and adjacent riparian areas. The overall objective of the proposed buffer and riparian area restoration is to improve water quality through ecological enhancements within the Neuse River Basin. This will be accomplished with specific goals to reforest riparian corridors, support streamside habitat, reduce agricultural runoff, and protect the CE in perpetuity.
The project is currently under development.

Project Timeline

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