Colonial Farms Wetland
The Colonial Farms Wetland Mitigation Site in Edgecombe County, approximately 2.5 miles south of Tarboro off Colonial Road, and is within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. The project will include the restoration of riparian wetlands in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. The project will include the restoration of a forested wetland corridor within the greater Tar River watershed, and is within a Water Quality Targeted Resource Area (TRA) and the Middle Tar-Pamlico Local Watershed Plan (LWP). The Colonial Farms Wetland Mitigation Site will provide both ecological and water quality benefits within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin.
The project is currently under development and contracted with the North Carolina Department of Mitigation Services.
Seedlings Planted
In the spring of 2022, our team planted 18,975 seedlings!

Project Timeline

Project Overview
Our Colonial Farms Wetland takes the award for "Greenest" project site. This wetland mitigation site is in the Tar-Pamlico river basin in North Carolina. We completed our construction and planting process in 2022 and two years later, we see witnessed our hydrology returned!

Construction Before and After Comparisons

Before: Our CFW project had a ditch running through the left side of the project as seen in this DroneDeploy 2D rendered image collected by our operations team in 2021.

After: In 2022, we planted 18,975 seedlings and saw our hydrology return!

