Lexington Mitigation Bank


The project is located very close to Lexington, Georgia, and historically has been used for cattle grazing. Excess fecal matter runoffs can damage a particular body of water by disrupting the natural balance of nutrients and other factors.

By working with Federal and State Agencies, we hope to protect about 3 miles of a stream from further damage by erecting and/or increasing the current buffers in place.

The various creeks and tributaries eventually flow into Indian Creek and further to the Broad River. Protecting and further enhancing the water resources of this region will benefit both nature and the human population.

Please note, the timeline photos may duplicate from our Paul’s Farm and Brown’s Chapel Quarry Projects.

Project Details

Location:Oglethorpe County, Georgia
Type:Stream Mitigation
Size:250 Acres (approximate)
HUC:Savannah River Basin - 03060104
Credit Type:Stream Mitigation
Credit Amount:TBD

Project Timeline

May 2021
May 2021

Dave Penrose

Collecting Bugs for analysis. A very important step in Mitigation Bank Evaluation

May 2021

Dave Penrose

Collecting Bugs for analysis. A very important step in Mitigation Bank Evaluation

May 2021
Aug 2020

Stream Walk

We walked the entire stream on the property for you! Enjoy!

May 2020

Data Collection

Getting more data to see if a Mitigation Bank may work

May 2020
Jan 2020
Jan 2020
Jan 2020

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