Mushroom Meadow
Mushroom Meadow
The Mushroom Meadow Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site in Caswell County, approximately 2.0 miles east of Milton off River Bend Road, and is within the Roanoke River Basin. The project will include the restoration of streams and riparian wetlands within the greater Dan River watershed and provide both ecological and water quality benefits within the Roanoke River Basin. The Project goals include a reduction in nutrient inputs, sediment inputs, fecal coliform entering surface waters, and restoration of wetlands and streams. The Project will result in substantial ecological improvements including but not limited to terrestrial and aquatic habitat improvements, and overall protection of a continuous forested wetland corridor in perpetuity. The construction plan for the stream and wetland restoration/enhancement areas will include channel realignment, permanent ditch plugs, site grading, and reconnecting hydrology to previous wetlands. In addition, the planting of site-specific hardwoods, establishment of both permanent and temporary seeding, and invasive plant treatments will also be implemented. The restored riparian wetland areas will be protected with a conservation easement and protected in perpetuity.
The project is currently under development and contracted with the North Carolina Department of Mitigation Services (NCDMS).

Project Timeline

Latest Updates
We produced our stream restoration video at Mushroom Meadow this past summer!
Project Overview
Our stream restoration was a success and our hydrology was restored! Construction and planting was completed by February 2024.
We now have three restored streams and 4 restored wetlands within our Mushroom Meadow project site.

Unnamed Tributaries 1 & 2

Unnamed Tributary 3