Brown’s Chapel Quarry
The Property is located within the Broad River watershed. The Property contains mixed pine-hardwood forest, mesic hardwood forest, granite outcrops, open fields/pasture, and two streams. Mesic hardwood forest, rock outcrops and streams are high priority habitats in the Piedmont region of Georgia. The rock outcrops and riparian areas along the perennial stream forming the southern Property line are being afforded 100′ no harvest buffers in the easement that will protect the associated hardwoods from conversion to agriculture or impervious surface. These buffers go above and beyond the state minimum of 25′ for forestry best management practices.
Timeline below may overlap with the Paul’s Farm project as the two tracts are in close proximity to each other.
Project Details
Location: | Oglethorpe County, Georgia |
Type: | Conservation Easement Protection |
Size: | 73 Acres |
HUC: | Savannah River Basin - 03060104 |
Protection Type: | Preservation |
Protection Area: | 70 Acres |
Project Timeline