Paul’s Farm
The property is approximately half in agriculture and a half in woodland. It has been in agricultural and timber production for the last several decades, with one old home area. Currently, it is used for grazing, hay production, and recreation (private hunting, scenic enjoyment). Granite Flatrock outcrops and boulders exist on portions of the property. Paul’s Farm is home to the common wildlife species from the Piedmont Ecoregion of Georgia that include coyotes, raccoons, opossums, gray squirrels, turkey, and white-tailed deer. Protection of the property allows it to help conserve the water resources in the Indian Creek subwatershed of the Broad River watershed.
Conserving high priority rivers and streams is of particular importance since the protection of the hydrological systems through enhancements of stream buffers and reduction of non-point pollution is critical for protecting water quality and provides a significant public benefit. Protecting streams and rivers also provide valuable riparian habitat to rare and unusual plants and animals occupying these unique areas. The site preserves valuable forested areas through continuous maintenance. To improve the physical qualities of the streams on the property, as well as the water quality, a fence was built to keep cattle out of the streams and riparian buffers were established.
Timeline below may overlap with the Brown’s Chapel project as the two tracts are in close proximity to each other.
Project Details
Location: | Oglethorpe County, Georgia |
Type: | Conservation Easement Protection |
Size: | 159 Acres |
HUC: | Savannah River Basin - 03060104 |
Protection Type: | Preservation |
Protection Area: | 157 Acres |
Project Timeline